Monday, February 10, 2025

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Business Security Solutions

Retail Solutions

Smart Business Solutions

To operate a successful retail business, you have to create a secure environment—for your customers, your employees and the store itself. Retail security with video surveillance includes many aspects: keeping intruders out and keeping track of who comes in; protecting merchandise from shoplifting and employee theft; responding to smoke, fire or other emergencies; and communicating between different locations.



Point Of Service Monitoring

Due to the nature of retail business, many occurrences of theft are internal. Every day retailers' profit margins suffer from various forms of stock and cash shrinkage. By capturing details of cash register transactions and associating them with HD 1080p footage, you can track activity at every one of your cash registers virtually eliminating sweet-hearting, no-sales, under-rings, and other forms of register theft that are notoriously difficult to catch.

The facility to keyword match allows Retail Solutions systems to be programmed to respond to a number of user-defined keywords, such as VOID or REFUND, generating an event every time they appear. The unit may also be configured to increase record rates, raise an alarm and create an event log each time a keyword response is triggered. 

Hidden Cameras

Of course, you may not always want to let members of staff know that you're keeping an eye on them. The Retail Solutions range offers the option to train hidden cameras on "black spots" keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity and putting a stop to theft.

Mobile Apps

Perhaps you want to view your premises out of opening hours, or as an area manager with responsibility for a number of outlets you'd simply like to keep an eye on day-to-day operations. Our Retail Solutions products not only afford you comprehensive security but also provide you with mobile apps that allow you to pinpoint areas where improvements can be made in service and quality helping you to increase productivity and lower costs. How's the foot traffic? Are the checkout lines too long? You can even remotely take control of a camera to focus in on areas of interest. Our camera solutions all come with a mobile application for viewing your cameras. 

Monitor activities at your business, one location or multiple locations, even when you’re not there. No one else can provide you with services and solutions like Guardian Alarm Systems. We are the only Locally Owned Full Service Security Provider in North Louisiana. 

  • System status remotely to know if it’s armed or disarmed.
  • See who armed or disarmed the system.
  • Get a No-show Alert if the business isn’t opened on time.
  • Arm and disarm the system remotely.
  • Monitor daily or weekly opening/closing activity trends.

Liability Claims

Beyond security benefits, HP cameras can also help to decrease liability issues and customer complaints. For example, you may use the system as a training tool to better equip your staff to handle a variety of customer complaint situations.

  • Guardian Alarm Systems is the innovative leader in security services in Northwest Louisiana. We have led the way in developing custom solutions for many of your neighbors and businesses.  With our Underwriters Laboratories "UL" Five Diamond central monitoring station in Shreveport, we are the only security company in the Ark-La-Tex to provide local professional monitoring and service. Have the piece-of-mind that comes from using a local professional you can count on, for Alarm Security, Fire Systems, Access Control Solutions and Video Monitoring. Call today for more information:318.688.4698 or 888.231.1744
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